Day 4: Meetings I

Day 4 Vocabulary:

(to) kick off (phrasal verb) 

(to) get the ball rolling (idiom)

(to) open the floor (idiom)

(to) give the floor to someone (idiom)

(to) stick to (phrasal verb) the agenda 

Activity 1

Poor Hugo is stuck in a meeting and he doesn't understand what on earth his boss is talking about! Read the comic and write the definitions next to the words/phrases to help Hugo out.

get the ball rolling =

snowed under =

stick to the agenda =

kick off =

open the floor =

You can complete this activity in your workbook - the answers are on page 14!

Activity 2

I want to hear about your meetings experiences! Let me know your answers to the following questions in the comments:

  1. At your workplace, do you usually make small talk at the start of the meeting (e.g. How's your family? What's the weather like there?) or do you get the ball rolling as soon as possible?
  2. When you're in meetings with your team or clients, does everybody stick to the agenda?
  3. Does the person leading the meetings at your firm/company often open the floor for contributions, or is it difficult to participate?
  4. Have you noticed any cultural differences when you're in meetings with foreign clients or business partners?

Complete and Continue  